
2023年11月24日—Thefirecompletelydestroyedtheinterior,includingthepipeorganandmarblepulpit,andcausedtheentirerooftofallinandstructural ...,2020年12月3日—PicturesoftheblazeatAllSaints'ChurchinMackworth,Derbyshire,showsignificantdamagetotheroofoftheGradeIlistedbuilding.Church ...,2021年4月7日—ReverendJacquelineStobersaidthechurchhadsufferedalotofdamagebuttherewasstillhopewecankeeptheflavourofamed...

Next phase of Mackworth church restoration begins

2023年11月24日 — The fire completely destroyed the interior, including the pipe organ and marble pulpit, and caused the entire roof to fall in and structural ...

Mackworth church fire

2020年12月3日 — Pictures of the blaze at All Saints' Church in Mackworth, Derbyshire, show significant damage to the roof of the Grade I listed building. Church ...

Mackworth church fire

2021年4月7日 — Reverend Jacqueline Stober said the church had suffered a lot of damage but there was still hope we can keep the flavour of a medieval building ...

Teenage arsonist sentenced after attacks on schools and ...

2022年9月2日 — A teenager who repeatedly set fire to schools and historic churches causing millions of pounds of irreparable damage has been sentenced.

Teen Sentenced After Series of Arson Attacks in Derby

2022年9月2日 — Supt McAughtrie said: “The final fire set by Brady at All Saints Church in Mackworth again robbed a community of a focal point that had a ...

Teen accused of torching Derby churches and schools is ...

2022年2月14日 — A teenager has been arrested in connection to several arson offences, including the fire at All Saints Church in Mackworth. (Image ...

Teenager destroyed two schools and Medieval church in ...

2022年9月3日 — Between 6 and 16 October, minor damage was caused to the Orangery Café in Markeaton Park, St Mathew's Church in Darley Abbey, Mackworth ...

Restoring the Mission of All Saints' Church, Mackworth, ...

Our church was tragically burned to the ground by fire on Thursday 3rd December 2020 and the roof and interior of the church has been completely destroyed. We ...